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  • Co-Occurring Substance Use: Material to Disability?

    How substance use is considered in the disability determination process has changed substantially over the years. This article dispels several widely-held myths about how DDS views substance use (such as you have to be clean and sober to get benefits), and its impact on the application process.

    Sep, 2012
  • Consultative Exams: A DDS Option to Gather Additional Information

    In the process of collecting medical evidence, the DDS examiner may decide that there is insufficient information to make a determination about disability. In this case, the DDS examiner can request an evaluation from an outside source called a Consultative Exam (CE).

    Feb, 2013
  • SSA’s “All” Evidence Rule: What does this mean for the SOAR Practitioner?

    An SSA ruling clarifies existing regulations which require that claimants and/or their authorized attorney or non-attorney representatives inform SSA about, or submit all evidence known to them that relates to their disability claim. This article will discuss the purpose of the ruling, outline key requirements, and present a few scenarios which a SOAR practitioner may encounter.

    Jun, 2015
  • Viewing Videos in the SOAR Online Course

    Throughout the SOAR Online Course there are several videos for you to view. Here are a few options for viewing these videos, as well as some troubleshooting tips.

    May, 2017
  • Guidance for Improving Staff Engagement

    As we all do our best to address the barriers associated with racism and inequity, we must accept the discomfort that comes with the effort to learn about ourselves, learn about each other, and grow to create a psychologically safe environment in which staff can work and thrive. Here are some suggestions for improving staff engagement by integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into our SOAR work.

    Mar, 2021