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How Does the SOAR Online Course Work?

The SOAR Online Course provides a unique alternative to in-person trainings. There is no cost for this program.

The SOAR Online Course


The SOAR Online Course has seven classes. Each class includes:
  1. Introductory page describing what you will learn in that class
  2. Articles about SOAR and the SSI/SSDI application process
  3. "Try-Its" to help you gauge your understanding of the material
  4. Practice Case page designated by a briefcase icon

Practice Case

The practice case provides an opportunity to apply what you are learning in the course by completing an SSI/SSDI application packet using SOAR techniques.
Take Note: Completion of the Practice Case is intended for those preparing to assist individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness to submit their SSI/SSDI applications using the SOAR model. 
  • On each Practice Case page, there will be detailed instructions for what tasks must be completed. 
  • You will play the role of a SOAR caseworker assisting an assigned fictional applicant to apply for SSI/SSDI. 
    • You will be introduced to your fictional applicant via video interviews, medical records, and progress notes. 
    • Using the information you gather, you will complete SSA forms (5 for Adult Curriculum and 4 for Child Curriculum) and write a Medical Summary Report (MSR).
  • At the end of Class 7, you will submit your complete application packet to the SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance (TA) Center for review. 
  • Check out these great YouTube Videos about navigating the Online Course Practice Case: Adult Curriculum | Child Curriculum

Review Process

Your complete application packet will be reviewed by SOAR TA Center staff and you will receive feedback within 10 business days. 
  • If your application packet is complete and without major errors or omissions, you will receive a Certificate of Completion and 20 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). 
  • If there are significant errors/omissions, you will be invited to revise your packet and resubmit it for a second review. You will receive feedback on your revisions within 5 business days. 
  • If your revised packet does not meet our standards for quality, you will not receive a Certificate of Completion but will be invited to re-take the course and submit an application packet for a different applicant. 

Time Commitment 

We estimate that it will take about 20 hours to complete the entire course, including the Practice Case application packet
  • While you can work at your own pace, we encourage you to complete the course within 30 days.
  • This will help you retain the information you have already learned and get you connected sooner to your local SOAR initiatives.

SOAR in Your State

  • Your state may have additional SOAR training/certification requirements.
  • Visit your state's page in the SOAR State Directory.