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  • Tracking SOAR Outcomes

    Tracking SOAR outcomes is a critical way to document successes and to target technical assistance needs. Using the SOAR Online Application Tracking (OAT) program, case workers can easily enter application outcome data and generate reports to use for local sustainability efforts.

    Apr, 2017
  • SOAR Succession Planning

    Staff turnover while there are pending disability applications can confuse and concern the applicant, the Social Security Administration (SSA), and Disability Determination Services (DDS). This checklist helps agencies effectively transfer applications to a new SOAR case worker, resulting in a frustration-free experience for all.

    Mar, 2024
  • SOAR Success Stories

    The following stories were submitted with permission to the SOAR Technical Assistance Center in response to a call for examples of how Social Security disability benefits have changed the lives of people who were experiencing or at risk for homelessness.

    Issue Brief
    Sep, 2014
  • SOAR Recertification Process

    The SOAR Recertification Process aims to ensure that case workers who passed the SOAR Online Course more than one year ago but have not yet utilized the SOAR model to assist with SSI/SSDI applications are refreshed on the process. It also offers an opportunity for SOAR practitioners to verify their involvement with and knowledge of SOAR without having to complete the SOAR Online Course multiple times or on a yearly basis.

    Feb, 2024
  • SOAR Collaboration with SSA’s Office of Hearings Operations (OHO)

    This article explains how you can promote SOAR with your Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) office to help ease their backlog and workload issues, while at the same time, improving access to expedited decisions for SOAR applicants.

    Sep, 2019
  • Collaboration with SSA and DDS: Something for Everyone

    This issue brief, developed by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center, explores how SOAR collaborates with SSA and DDS, what roles each plays in a successful partnership, and the benefits to SSA and DDS of collaborating with state and local SOAR programs.

    Issue Brief
    May, 2014
  • Co-Occurring Substance Use: Material to Disability?

    How substance use is considered in the disability determination process has changed substantially over the years. This article dispels several widely-held myths about how DDS views substance use (such as you have to be clean and sober to get benefits), and its impact on the application process.

    Sep, 2012