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Tracking SOAR Outcomes

Tracking SOAR outcomes is a critical way to document successes and to target technical assistance needs. Using the SOAR Online Application Tracking (OAT) program, case workers can easily enter application outcome data and generate reports to use for local sustainability efforts.

Outcome Tracking

Tracking outcomes is important not only for supporting sustainability and expansion efforts, but for helping inform quality review and target technical assistance needs. Don’t forget to enter your application information into your state’s outcomes tracking program! Celebrate and share your successes with the SOAR TA Center to be featured in our eNewsletter.

Important Components to Track


Key Questions

Where to locate information

Outcome of application decisions

  • Was the application approved or denied?
  • Did the applicant need to attend a consultative exam (CE)?
  • Was the applicant approved for SSI, SSDI, or both?
  • What is his/her monthly payment amount? Did he/she receive any retroactive benefits?
  • Does the applicant need a representative payee?
  • SSA decision letter
  • Correspondence from DDS during the application will note if the applicant needs a CE
  • Information about retroactive benefits may come after the initial letter from SSA. The beneficiary may disclose this information when he/she receives it.

Application processing time

  • How long did it take from the time the complete application was submitted until the decision was made?
  • The receipt from the Online Disability Benefit Application will show the date the application was received by SSA.
  • The date on the notification letter from SSA can be used as the date of decision.

SOAR critical components used

  • Did you complete and submit an SSA-1696?
  • Were medical records collected and submitted?
  • Did you write and submit a Medical Summary Report? Was this co-signed by a physician or psychologist?
  • Was quality review of the application or MSR conducted prior to submission?
  • This information will be in the applicant’s file that the SOAR provider maintains.

Housing status at application and decision

  • What was the applicant’s housing situation at the time of application?
  • Was the applicant housed at the time of decision?
  • Contact the applicant for this information.

Medicaid/Medicare and public assistance reimbursements

  • Were any providers able to obtain reimbursements from Medicaid or Medicare? If so, how much?
  • Did your state or locality obtain any reimbursement for public assistance provided during the application process?
  • Providers can bill Medicaid retroactive up to 90 days prior to the date of the SSI application.
  • Contact your local hospitals or healthcare providers to get information about Medicaid/Medicare reimbursements. With the proper release you can often get this information from the billing department.
  • For public assistance reimbursements, contact the state, local or county agency that provides general or public assistance, if available in your state. Again, you’ll need a proper release from the applicant.

Special populations served (e.g. Veterans, transition age youth, justice-involved persons)

  • For Veterans: ask the applicant if they have ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces (regardless of discharge status)
  • Local SOAR programs may also track transition age youth or those exiting institutional settings.
  • This information is gathered during interviews as part of the application process.

Online Application Tracking (OAT)

SOAR offers the Online Application Tracking (OAT) program free of charge. Using OAT will help you:

  • Keep track of all SOAR-assisted applications in one, easy-to-use system.
  • Record decisions on initial applications, reconsiderations, and ALJ hearings.
  • Summarize outcomes in reports for use in sustainability efforts.

All data is located on a secure server and no personally identifiable information is collected. It takes 5 minutes or less to enter information on each application and the program is free to use!

Learn more about OAT and register

If you have any questions about OAT, contact

Other data tracking systems

Your state or locality may use alternative data tracking systems, such as HMIS (Homeless Management Information System). If this applies, it is important to obtain training in this system upon completion of the SOAR Online Course, so that outcomes are entered into the appropriate system in a timely manner.

National outcomes reporting

The SOAR TA Center collects and reports on national outcomes each fiscal year (July 1-June 30). See how your state compares to others and be counted! Make sure that you have entered your outcomes when you get the reminder email in early August. View the latest SOAR National Outcomes.