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SSA: What is Disability?

Various federal and state agencies define the term “disability” differently. It is important to understand how SSA defines disability for the purposes of determining SSI/SSDI eligibility.

Disability and Work

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes that a person can have a serious illness or condition yet still be able to work. For example, many people with serious mental illnesses in recovery are able to work and enjoy the benefits of employment including:

  • An income that goes beyond meeting the most basic needs
  • A sense of accomplishment and identity
  • The satisfaction of being productive members of their communities
SOAR helps people to access SSI/SSDI in the hope they will eventually be able to enjoy these benefits.

SSA's Definition of Disability

The Social Security Administration (SSA) defines disability as:

  • The inability to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA)
  • Because of medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s)
  • That has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period of at least 12 months OR is expected to result in death

Substantial gainful activity (SGA)

  • SGA is a term used by SSA to describe a level of work activity and earnings.
  • Work activity is:
    • "Substantial" if it involves doing significant physical and/or mental activities
    • “Gainful” if performed for pay or profit, even if profit is not realized
  • Earnings: SSA annually sets an amount of gross monthly earnings that is considered SGA. In 2025, SGA is $1,620/month.
  • To determine SSI/SSDI eligibility, SSA and DDS need to know: Can the person perform work at levels of SGA?

Medically determinable

  • Physical or mental health conditions
  • Must be documented with clear evidence by an Acceptable Medical Source (AMS) as defined by SSA.

Impaired functioning

  • For SSA to consider a person “disabled,” the person’s illness must result in impairments of functioning that meet SSA criteria.
  • These impairments must affect their ability to work at SGA levels.
  • It is essential to fully describe and document the severity of these impairments.

Providing the Evidence

It may seem apparent to some that an individual is disabled and unable to work. However, for SSA and DDS to make a disability determination, the application must:

  • Document the illness(es) and condition(s)
  • Demonstrate that the illness(es) impair functioning
  • Show how these impairments affect the person’s ability to work