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SSA Annual Updates

Find up-to-date information on the rates that SSA sets annually.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (2025)

  Individual  Couple
Federal Benefit Rate $967/month (2024: $943) $1,450/month (2024: $1,415)
Resource Limits $2,000 $3,000

Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) (2025)

Non-Blind Blind
$1,620/month (2024: $1,550) $2,700/month (2024: $2,590)

Trial Work Period (2025)

Trial Work Period Minimum earnings before a month will count as trial work month for SSDI beneficiaries: $1,160/month (2024: $1,110)

Student Earned Income Exclusion (2025)

Monthly Limit Annual Limit
$2,350 (2024: $2,290) $9,460 (2024: $9,230)

Social Security Credits (2025)

Earnings to Qualify for Credits Credits needed for Disability Benefits*

$1,810/one quarter of coverage (QC), (i.e., "credit") (2024: $1,730)

Up to a max of $7,240/four credits (2024: $6,920)

  • If you become disabled before age 24, you generally need 1½ years of work (six credits) in the three years before you became disabled.
  • If you are 24 through 30, you generally need credits for half of the time between age 21 and the time you became disabled.
  • If you are disabled at age 31 or older, you generally need at least 20 credits in the 10 years immediately before you became disabled.

*How many credits you need for disability benefits depends on how old you are when you become disabled.

Medicare Costs (2024)

  Part A Part B Part D

Either $278 or $505 depending on how long you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes. (2023: Either $278 or $506)

Most people don’t pay a premium because of Medicare-covered employment.

$174.70/month (2023: $164.90) if 2022 income was less than $103,000 (individual)/$206,000 (joint) Base premium (depending on plan) plus an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMA) ranging from $12.90 - $81.00/month if 2022 annual income was above $103,000 (individuals)/$206,000 (joint filers) 
Deductible Hospital inpatient: $1,632 (2023: $1,600) for each inpatient hospital benefit period before Original Medicare starts to pay. $240/year (2023: $226) before Original Medicare starts to pay. Varies by plan and pharmacy.

Medicare Savings Programs - Income and Resource Limits (2024)

Qualified Medicare
Specified Low-Income
Medicare Beneficiary
Qualifying Individual
Qualified Disabled and
Working Individual
Monthly Income Limit* Individual: $1,275
Couple: $1,724
Individual: $1,526
Couple: $2,064
Individual: $1,715
Couple: $2,320
Individual: $5,105
Couple: $6,899
Resource Limit Individual: $9,430
Couple: $14,130
Individual: $9,430
Couple: $14,130
Individual: $9,430
Couple: $14,130
Individual: $4,000
Couple: $6,000

*Income limits slightly higher in Alaska and Hawaii

Continued Medicaid Eligibility (1619(b)) Thresholds (2024)

State Threshold State Threshold
Alabama $37,246 Montana $44,272
Alaska $86,438 Nebraska $52,190
Arizona $53,159 Nevada $41,941
Arkansas $38,551 New Hampshire $45,194
California $58,638 New Jersey $51,902
Colorado $52,578 New Mexico $48,855
Connecticut $54,293 New York $59,826
Delaware $50,146 North Carolina $43,307
District of Columbia (DC)  $54,775 North Dakota $53,007
Florida $36,734 Ohio $40,936
Georgia $35,761 Oklahoma $42,494
Hawaii $49,781 Oregon $42,955
Idaho $47,643 Pennsylvania $50,536
Illinois $38,906 Rhode Island $41,109
Indiana $39,153 South Carolina $39,557
Iowa $45,246 South Dakota $43,595
Kansas $44,316 Tennessee $34,490
Kentucky $45,921 Texas $50,161
Louisiana $38,748 Utah $46,961
Maine $48,959 Vermont $40,339
Maryland $52,892 Virginia $45,976
Massachusetts $44,965 Washington $57,954
Michigan $43,228 West Virginia $35,216
Minnesota $74,611 Wisconsin $46,545
Mississippi $37,847 Wyoming $42,527
Missouri $44,287    


Download SSA Benefit and Threshold Amounts

