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  • SOAR Recertification Process

    The SOAR Recertification Process aims to ensure that case workers who passed the SOAR Online Course more than one year ago but have not yet utilized the SOAR model to assist with SSI/SSDI applications are refreshed on the process. It also offers an opportunity for SOAR practitioners to verify their involvement with and knowledge of SOAR without having to complete the SOAR Online Course multiple times or on a yearly basis.

    Feb, 2024
  • Best Practices for Collaborating with SSA and DDS

    SOAR seeks to increase access to Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. To achieve this goal, collaborations with SSA and the Disability Determination Services (DDS) are absolutely essential. SOAR can provide invaluable assistance to both SSA and DDS and, similarly, SSA and DDS can help to streamline the process for SOAR providers and for the applicants they both serve.

    Jun, 2022
  • Pay Equity for Social Workers

    When employers recognize the value of SOAR case workers and coordinators by offering them equitable salaries, the benefits go beyond the individual case worker.

    Apr, 2021
  • Impact of Increased Income on Housing Voucher Programs

    Increasing income through employment and Social Security disability benefits is critical for maintaining housing stability. However, for individuals utilizing housing vouchers, fear of losing their vouchers often prevents them from exploring employment. To encourage work, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has numerous incentives to protect those returning to work from immediate rent increases and voucher loss.

    May, 2016
  • Co-Occurring Substance Use: Material to Disability?

    How substance use is considered in the disability determination process has changed substantially over the years. This article dispels several widely-held myths about how DDS views substance use (such as you have to be clean and sober to get benefits), and its impact on the application process.

    Sep, 2012