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  • Collaborating with Hospitals: A How-To Primer

    This issue brief, developed by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center, provides strategies for forming partnerships, examples, and a sample agreement to help hospitals and community programs create collaborations that are mutually beneficial.

    Issue Brief
    Jun, 2013
  • Impact of Increased Income on Housing Voucher Programs

    Increasing income through employment and Social Security disability benefits is critical for maintaining housing stability. However, for individuals utilizing housing vouchers, fear of losing their vouchers often prevents them from exploring employment. To encourage work, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has numerous incentives to protect those returning to work from immediate rent increases and voucher loss.

    May, 2016
  • Observing Domestic Violence Awareness Month With a SOAR Success

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, an occasion to acknowledge domestic violence survivors and elevate awareness of the issues they face and the resources that can help. In recognition of the occasion, we’re sharing a SOAR success story sent in by Lauren Rodriguez from the SAFE Alliance in Austin, Texas.

    Sep, 2022
  • Guidance for Improving Staff Engagement

    As we all do our best to address the barriers associated with racism and inequity, we must accept the discomfort that comes with the effort to learn about ourselves, learn about each other, and grow to create a psychologically safe environment in which staff can work and thrive. Here are some suggestions for improving staff engagement by integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into our SOAR work.

    Mar, 2021
  • Pay Equity for Social Workers

    When employers recognize the value of SOAR case workers and coordinators by offering them equitable salaries, the benefits go beyond the individual case worker.

    Apr, 2021