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Equity in Action: Leveraging SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance to Improve Systems

The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center has worked to address the barriers to equity in SOAR implementation with the development of resources, tools, and training. On this webinar, held on March 24, 2022, SOAR Leaders discussed how these resources have been used in their agencies.

Date and Time:


Webinar Recording


The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center has worked to address the barriers to equity in SOAR implementation with the development of resources, tools, and training. For this webinar, SOAR Leaders will discuss how these resources have been used to promote equity and reduce the impact of implicit basis in the implementation of SOAR work within their agencies

SOAR State Leads will discuss the integration of resources in their work and steps they have taken to ensure that diverse groups are equitably accessing services. Panelists will also share how community demographics (race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and justice involvement) impact access to SOAR programs and present strategies for recognizing and reaching individuals that are underserved. SAMHSA SOAR TA Center staff will share a brief summary of the equity-focused SOAR products and tools designed to support SOAR initiatives in their efforts to achieve equity and inclusion in program access and participation. Finally, staff of the SAMHSA-funded Homeless and Housing Resource Center (HHRC) will share how equity is integrated into their resources and trainings for housing and health professionals.

SOAR Tools and Documents Discussed:


The below image represents webinar participants' answers to the question "What does Equity mean to you?"

Image of Word Cloud

What you will learn:

  • Participants will receive an overview of the resources made available by the SAMSHA SOAR TA Center to address the barriers to equity in SOAR implementation.
  • Participants will hear from State Team Lead presenters on what equity means and why DEI consideration is an important step to ensure equitable service delivery.
  • Participants will learn how State Leads use the products and tools developed by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center (and other resources) to reduce the gaps that may contribute to disparities in how SOAR services are accessed and delivered within their agency.


  • Dazara Ware, MPC, Assistant Director, SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance Center, Delmar, New York
  • Kevin A. James, Project Associate II, SAMHSA’s Homeless and Housing Resource Center (HHRC), Delmar, New York
  • Josh Johnson, Director of Training and Equitable Practice, Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO), Columbus, Ohio
  • Caroline Bolas, Director of the SOAR Initiative and SOAR State Lead, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Kascadare Causeya, Program Manager, Central City Concern, Portland, Oregon
  • Program Participant from Central City Concern, Portland, Oregon


Available Files
Attachment Size
Slide Presentation 14.84 MB
Presenter Bios 162.51 KB