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  • About Representative Registration

    All Appointed Representatives assisting SSI/SSDI claimants using the SSA-1696 must now register as a Representative using the new SSA-1699: Representative Registration form.

    SSA Forms
    Oct, 2024
  • Celebrating Black History Month

    February is Black History Month, a time for us to honor Black Americans’ achievements in the face of systemic oppression throughout our Nation’s history. In 2021, we celebrated the Former Acting Commissioner of Social Security (ACOSS), Carolyn W. Colvin, M.B.A., her achievements while in office, and her support of the SAMHSA SOAR model.

    Jan, 2023
  • Creating a my Social Security Account for Applicants

    When assisting an individual with completing and electronically signing an Online Disability Benefit Application the applicant will need to create a my Social Security account. The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center has developed guidance for SOAR providers.

    Mar, 2022
  • FAQs on SOAR and Permanent Supportive Housing

    Individuals living in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) are eligible for SOAR services. Housing status (i.e. living arrangement) and receipt of vouchers or other in-kind support can impact eligibility and benefit amounts for SSI and SSDI. Understanding the impact of living arrangements, vouchers, income from work, and rent obligations can help individuals maintain their benefits and housing.

    Aug, 2024
  • Identifying Possible Special Medical Vocational Profiles

    In an effort to better identify appropriate SOAR claimants, identifying claims which are more likely to have a favorable outcome is paramount. Social Security has developed Special Medical Vocational Profiles, which are rare combinations of adversities that combine, along with impairments, to result in a finding of disabled. 

    Jun, 2021
  • Implementing State and Local SOAR Initiatives

    State and Local Leads spearhead and coordinate the implementation of SOAR initiatives. These leaders identify and engage community partners to participate in steering committees whose goal is to create and implement a SOAR action plan and process for adult SSI/SSDI and/or child SSI application submission. These committees meet regularly to collaborate, report on progress, and troubleshoot challenges.

    Mar, 2022