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Can beneficiaries get an expedited or advanced payments from SSA?

SSA can start payments more quickly than usual in four different types of situations:

  • Presumptive Disability (PD) or presumptive blindness (PB) payment: Based on the severity of the condition and the likelihood that the claim will be approved, SSA may make payments for up to 6 months while DDS makes a final decision. This is not based on financial need.
  • Emergency advance payment: A one-time advance payment to new claimants who "face a financial emergency and who are due SSI benefits that are delayed or not received"
  • Immediate payment: An immediate payment to new claimants and SSI recipients whose benefits are delayed or not received and who face a financial emergency."
  • Expedited reinstatement cases: If benefits are terminated because of excess earned income or a combination of earned and unearned income, claimants can request to have benefits started again without having to complete a new application.

We recommend visiting SSA's website to find out more: Understanding SSI - Expedited Payments (

Can we get funding from the SOAR TA Center to pay for SOAR in our organization?

The SOAR TA Center does not have funds available to pay for SOAR in local organizations and there is no dedicated source of funding for SOAR programs. And yet, all 50 states participate in SOAR at some level by reallocating existing resources; by securing funding through federal and state grants or foundation funding; or by establishing collaborations with hospitals and criminal justice systems.

To support local organizations, the SOAR TA Center developed resources and tools for funding and sustainability, based on best practices from SOAR programs around the country. The SOAR TA Center also maintains a webpage dedicated to upcoming funding opportunities, which is updated frequently with new resources.

How can I get our local hospital involved in our SOAR effort?
How can someone receive SSDI (Title II) benefits if they have never worked?

If an individual becomes disabled before the age of 22 and one of his/her parents is either deceased or receives disability or retirement benefits, the "Disabled Adult Child" may receive benefits based on their parent's earnings record. SSA has an easy to use FAQ page about this topic:

I am looking for a contact at my local SSA office, who should I call?

You can contact your SOAR State Team Lead or Local Lead to find out if there is a designated SOAR liaison at your local SSA office.

I saw SOAR training on our Continuum of Care (CoC) application. Should my CoC get involved with SOAR?

Absolutely! The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Program (CoC) plays a key role in ending homelessness in communities and states. HUD’s description of the program includes: “The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is designed to promote communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families, and communities by homelessness; promote access to and effect utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness” (emphasis added)

SOAR is critical in HUD’s mission to promote access to Social Security disability benefits for individuals with disabling conditions. This access helps promote housing stability and prevents future homelessness for these individuals. As a result, SOAR should be included in local CoC plans to end homelessness.

If someone has social security retirement can they apply for disability.

Yes, someone receiving retirement can apply for SSDI benefits if they elected to take early retirement and are receiving a reduced amount. If they retired at full retirement age then their SSDI benefit would be the same and there is no need to apply. 

They would need to prove that they are medically disabled and unable to work at SGA. (Some people who take early retirement benefits are ready to stop working but don’t meet the definition of disability). 

If someone might be eligible for unemployment but is also unable to continue working, should he apply for unemployment or SSI?

If he is eligible for unemployment and the amount is more than the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR)*, then he should take the higher amount (unemployment) as long as he can.  The medical approval for SSI will last for 12 months, so if the unemployment only lasts a few months, he can always reapply for SSI (the non-medical application) and SSA will use the medical decision from his last application. 

*This figure is updated annually and can be found at SSA Annual Updates.

Is an individual trained in the SOAR model able to charge a fee for this service?

The expectation is that providers involved with SOAR do not charge persons applying for SSA disability benefits for their services. We work closely with providers to identify alternative sources of funding for their programs. All 50 states and the District of Columbia have identified various methods to fund SOAR activities that do not involve charging the applicant or collecting a fee from the applicant’s back pay. Resources related to SOAR funding and sustainability can be found in the SOAR Library.

What is the monthly SSI benefit?

SSI has a monthly federal benefit rate that changes each year plus any available state supplement. You can find the current benefit amounts on our SSA Annual Updates page.
