This issue brief, developed by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center, explores ways that agencies can involve AmeriCorps members at low or no cost to help implement SOAR.
This issue brief, developed by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center, provides strategies for forming partnerships, examples, and a sample agreement to help hospitals and community programs create collaborations that are mutually beneficial.
This issue brief, developed by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center, explores how SOAR collaborates with SSA and DDS, what roles each plays in a successful partnership, and the benefits to SSA and DDS of collaborating with state and local SOAR programs.
This issue brief, developed by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center, explores how use of the SOAR model can increase access to income and health insurance, facilitate housing stability, and support unaccompanied youth pursing education and vocational goals.
This issue brief, developed by the SOAR TA Center, discusses the importance of connecting Veterans with SSA disability benefits how the SOAR model can help.