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  • Social Security Administration Programs for Expediting Disability Claims and Payments

    Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits programs, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), provide essential income and health insurance that can facilitate access to housing and treatment for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. SSA is committed to expediting claims and quickly issuing payments for the most serious conditions and applicants in dire need. SOAR providers are trained to develop complete and comprehensive claims that help to naturally expedite SSA disability applications. When working with an applicant who is experiencing or at risk of homelessness, SOAR providers should be aware of the following SSA initiatives and practices.

    Apr, 2015
  • Spanish Translations

    Estos son algunos de nuestros recursos traducidos al español. (Here are some of our resources translated into Spanish).

    Aug, 2021
  • Special Considerations for Immigration and Residency: SSI for Non-Citizens

    An individual who is not a U.S. Citizen is potentially eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) under certain circumstances described below. This resource is not exhaustive of all ways that a non-citizen may be eligible for SSI benefits. If there is any question about eligibility or other immigration issues, case managers should contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) directly.

    May, 2018
  • SSA and VA Disability Benefits: Tips for Veterans

    Connecting Veterans with Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits is a critical step to increasing income stability for Veterans and their families, as well as providing health insurance for those who may not qualify for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care.

    Dec, 2017
  • SSA Disability Benefits for Non-Citizens: Refugee Resettlement and SOAR (Partner Webinar)

    This webinar, held on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, in partnership with HIAS walks participants through SSI eligibility and how the Social Security Administration makes a decision on SSI claims for noncitizens with disabilities. It will also describe the SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) model and how staff can get involved with SOAR initiatives in their state. 

    Apr, 2018
  • SSI for Children: Information Sheets

    The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center has developed six custom SSI for Children information sheets that provide guidance for assisting with the child SSI application process.

    Aug, 2020
  • SSVF and SOAR Integration Toolkit

    This toolkit, updated and re-released in August 2019, contains extensive resources on how to integrate the SOAR model into community planning efforts, for serving both Veterans and non-Veterans.

    Sep, 2019
  • Steps to Completing a Child SSI Application Using the SOAR Model

    This guide will help you complete an SSI application for a child using the SOAR model. You have 60 days from the protective filing date (PFD) to submit a complete application packet to the Social Security Administration (SSA). We encourage you to complete the process in less time as you are able.

    Apr, 2018