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When submitting an online SSDI application, how do you identify it as a SOAR application?

You can type "This is a SOAR application" in the Remarks section.  You should also indicate whether the applicant is experiencing homelessness and any other clarifying remarks. 

What is a SOAR Application?

The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center considers a "SOAR application" to be one in which all (or most) of the SOAR critical components are done. These include serving as the person's representative with the SSA-1696, collecting medical records and writing a Medical Summary Report documenting the person's functional impairment. If the SOAR provider is unable to get all of the records or is unable to get the Medical Summary Report signed by a treating physician, it would still be counted as a SOAR application because all was done that could be done.

Read more about SOAR application critical components.

What if a client seeking SOAR assistance does not have an ID card?

You can assist someone to apply for Social Security benefits even if they do not have identification. SSA has a set of questions they can ask the individual to verify their identity. (Name, SSN, DOB, mother’s maiden name, contact information)

That said, it is great to help someone obtain their identification documents so that they have them available for other uses. This can be done in parallel with the SSI/SSDI application process. Our partner organization, the Homeless and Housing Resource Center (HHRC) has a great resource on their website, Helping Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Obtain Identification Documents:

What happens if you forget to put SOAR in remarks before you submit the online disability form?

If you forget to enter “SOAR” in the remarks sections of SSA forms, they may not be directed to the SOAR liaison at your local SSA office (if one has been identified). However, there are other ways you can indicate that the application was completed using the SOAR model, even after you have submitted the online disability report:

  1. Ensure that SOAR is written in the remarks section of the SSA-8000 (SSI application) that you deliver to your local SSA office;
  2. When you deliver the paper SSA forms to the local SSA office, notify the claims representative that you are using the SOAR process;
  3. Call the SOAR liaison at your local SSA office (if one has been identified) and notify him/her that you have submitted an application using the SOAR process.

Not all SSA offices have a SOAR liaison or know about the SOAR process. Remember that the most important part of the SOAR model is providing a complete, high-quality application with medical records and a Medical Summary Report (MSR). These elements, rather than the SOAR label on forms, will ensure that the application is processed efficiently by SSA and DDS.

What form do we need signed from the applicant to be able to speak to a friend or relative for additional functioning information?

A general privacy release can be used to communicate about the applicant to friends/relatives/other service providers, etc. This can be the SOAR sample (even if it is not for medical records) or a more generic one. Here is another example from CSH.  Most agencies have a privacy release that they use at intake or for these purposes. 

Once a protective filing date is set with SSA how long do I have to submit the completed application and medical summary report?

Once you have set the Protective Filing Date (PFD), you have 60 days to submit the complete application & MSR.  Read Steps in the SSA Disability Application Process.

Must the client be present when the SSA-1696 Appointment of Representative form is submitted to SSA?

No, the claimant does not need to present when you turn in the signed SSA-1696. We do recommend submitting an original copy with a "wet-signature." Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

Is there any place to find a completed sample of the SSA-8000-BK?

Yes, you can find samples of completed SSA forms here.

Is an individual trained in the SOAR model able to charge a fee for this service?

The expectation is that providers involved with SOAR do not charge persons applying for SSA disability benefits for their services. We work closely with providers to identify alternative sources of funding for their programs. All 50 states and the District of Columbia have identified various methods to fund SOAR activities that do not involve charging the applicant or collecting a fee from the applicant’s back pay. Resources related to SOAR funding and sustainability can be found in the SOAR Library.

If the client is not homeless or at risk of being homeless, can I still assist them via SOAR?

All of the SOAR Critical Components and techniques learned in the SOAR Online Course can be used for any SSI/SSDI application. However, in order to indicate to SSA/DDS that it is a "SOAR" claim, the applicant must be experiencing or at risk of homelessness, as defined here.

Further, you want to be sure that you are following any additional steps as required by your State or community’s established SOAR process.
