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Is a Section 8 housing unit/voucher qualify as transitional housing for purpose of meeting homelessness definition?

Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers are not time-limited and so typically are not used in transitional housing. Individuals and families who are using housing vouchers may be eligible for SOAR assistance if they do not have their own income that would allow them to remain stably housed without the voucher.

Is the SOAR Online Application Tracking (OAT) Program HIPAA Compliant?

Yes, the SOAR Online Application Tracking (OAT) program is fully HIPAA compliant. The system does not collect any personally identifying information about applicants during any part of the process. When users add a new applicant to the database, they create a unique applicant ID. The use of this ID avoids the need for personally identifiable information and helps prevent case duplication.

The ID is a 10-digit alphanumeric in the following format: xx00xx0000 (2 letters/2numbers/2 letters/4 numbers). It can be any letters and numbers you choose - just be sure to note it in your hard copy records.

Additional demographic information collected about an applicant is limited to age (without birthdate) and gender.

What is the rate of approval for applicants who do not use SOAR? The statistics appear positive but would be more useful if shown in comparison to the overall population of those applying and/or those who do not use SOAR.

Great question! Check out our most up-to-date National Outcomes to see how SOAR-assisted applications compare to those without SOAR assistance.
