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SSA-8000: Application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The SSA-8000 is the form used by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to gather all the non-medical information for the SSI application. Case managers can help gather the necessary documentation and collaborate with SSA to complete this form. 

SSA-8000: Application for SSI

The SSA-8000: Application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is completed by an SSA claims specialist either at a field office or on the phone. In some communities, the established SOAR Process allows case managers to complete the SSA-8000 and submit the paper version to SSA. If the paper version is submitted it must be signed by the parent/caregiver or unaccompanied youth. Contact your State Team Lead to find out whether this is possible in your community. Print out the SSA-8000 and enter information as you gather it. View a sample completed SSA-8000 paper form here.

Boy Super Hero

Remember that when filling out the SSA-8000, it is the child’s income and resources that will be reported on this form. If necessary, SSA will obtain either an SSA-8010 Statement of Income or Resources from the parent(s) if they are living in the same household and ineligible for SSI or a separate SSA-8000 from the parents if they are also applying for SSI.

SOAR Case Workers Can Help

This is the first part of the SSI application to be processed. It is lengthy and can be daunting for the applicant or the parent/caregiver.

  • Any assistance by the case worker can be very helpful.
  • Become familiar with this form and use it as a worksheet to help prepare the applicant.
  • The case manager and applicant’s parent/caregiver should actively seek the necessary documentation and information about resources, income, living arrangement, and immigration status to help avoid delays in the process.
  • You will need to complete an Application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) AND a Child Disability Report. The report collects information about the child's disabling condition and how it affects his/her ability to function.

Potential for Partnership with SSA

Completing the paper form of the SSA-8000 has benefits for the applicant and SSA.

  • It allows the applicant and parent/caregiver to tackle the information in smaller chunks of time.
  • For parents/caregivers who are assisting the SOAR case worker to complete these forms, it can reduce the need to take time off of work to attend an SSA appointment.
  • It allows parents/caregivers to work with their schedule to find a time to meet that best fits with their other obligations.
  • Unaccompanied youth who have had negative experiences with government agencies may struggle to sit through an interview at SSA.
  • The SSA claims representative can spend less time during the interview when the form has been completed and necessary documentation has been prepared.

Since SSI is based on need, SSA must gather a great deal of information relevant to “need,” including resources, income, and living arrangement. Two other areas that affect eligibility are legal status and citizenship/residency. For more information on these topics, please visit the SOAR Library or SSA's website (citizenship/residency).