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Hiring and Supervising SOAR Case Workers

The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center has created a toolkit to provide helpful suggestions and key considerations when hiring and supervising SOAR case workers.

About the Toolkit

Successful SOAR caseworkers come from diverse educational backgrounds, as well as professional and lived experiences. However, there are certain skills and key competencies that SOAR programs look for in SOAR caseworker applicants.
This toolkit provides information for SOAR program managers who are hiring and supervising SOAR case workers. It discusses skills and key competencies that are commonly looked for in SOAR case worker candidates. Tools include helpful considerations for posting positions, the interview process, and unique ways to evaluate a candidate’s key competencies.
To assist in onboarding, the Homeless and Housing Resource Center (HHRC) has created an Orientation Guide that provides introductory resources and trainings that would be helpful for new SOAR practitioners.