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Believing in Human Kindness

The following SOAR success story was submitted by Mary Zapponi-Pritchard, a SOAR-trained practitioner from A New Leaf in Mesa, Arizona.

Abigail was accepted into one of our Domestic Violence shelters. She had lost her hearing and was referred to me to assist with an SSI/SSDI application. The outcome was equivalent to hitting the ball out of the ballpark and winning the World Series. After many, many months, she was approved and awarded $841/month (which increased to $914/month in January) with back payments totaling $6,728. She recently sent me pictures of her new apartment and stated how happy she is and how much she loves her place. 

Abigail sent an email to A New Leaf to express her appreciation for Mary:

“I entered DV services last December. Bruised, broken, and hopeless. With nothing but [the] contents of my backpack and a broken spirit with little hope for my future. Mary Zapponi-Pritchard came into my life, and without realizing it, she lifted me up and held me there when I didn't even believe I was worth the chance. She made me believe in human kindness again and within professional boundaries; she cared about me when no one else on the planet did. Anyone whose life she touches is truly blessed. I find it hard to put words to how much her light has affected my life. She is an asset to humans! She is in the right place; being able to touch so many lives and give persons that may not believe they are worthy because of past experiences the ability to care about themselves again.” 

Have a story of your own? Submit your SOAR success!

Sharing Our Successes stories are edited for brevity and clarity. All beneficiary names have been changed to protect anonymity.


