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  • Yes, You Can Work!

    We encourage individuals to work and seek employment while applying for SSI/SSDI benefits. SOAR providers play a critical role in helping bust myths about working during the application process.

    May, 2017
  • Understand, Remember, or Apply Information

    The first area of mental functioning – Understand, Remember, or Apply Information – focuses on the abilities to learn, recall, and use information to perform work activities. This article contains key criteria that DDS will assess, tips on gathering information, and examples of functional descriptions.

    Jan, 2017
  • The Listings and Mental Illness

    The Listings are SSA’s categorized lists of illnesses and conditions and the specific severity criteria – symptoms, duration, and impairments – of each illness/condition that must be met for a person to be considered disabled by the illness/condition. It is helpful for case managers to become familiar with these requirements.

    Jan, 2017
  • SSI/SSDI and Employment: A Brief Overview of SSA Work Incentives

    Case managers are encouraged to support individuals to pursue their vocational goals, both before and after applying for SSI/SSDI. This overview will briefly discuss how the Social Security Administration (SSA) views the work activity of an SSI/SSDI applicant, and the many work incentives available to beneficiaries.

    Dec, 2017
  • SSA-821: Work Activity Report

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) may ask the applicant to complete an SSA-821 Work Activity Report if he/she continued to work after the alleged date of onset. This article provides additional information and tips for assisting applicants with this form. 

    SSA Forms
    Jan, 2019
  • SSA’s “All” Evidence Rule: What does this mean for the SOAR Practitioner?

    An SSA ruling clarifies existing regulations which require that claimants and/or their authorized attorney or non-attorney representatives inform SSA about, or submit all evidence known to them that relates to their disability claim. This article will discuss the purpose of the ruling, outline key requirements, and present a few scenarios which a SOAR practitioner may encounter.

    Jun, 2015