This webinar, held on January 28, 2015, focused on coordinated assessment, also known as coordinated entry or coordinated intake -- a new requirement for all HUD Continuums of Care (CoCs) as established by the HEARTH Act.
In 2011, the SOAR TA Center conducted a webinar series on “Strengthening SOAR Applications.” We are pleased to bring back an updated version of this popular series in January 2017.
On this webinar, held on July 20, 2017, the SOAR TA Center walked through two fantastic tools, loaded with strategies that can be easily replicated for collaborating with SSA and DDS.
This toolkit, updated and re-released in August 2019, contains extensive resources on how to integrate the SOAR model into community planning efforts, for serving both Veterans and non-Veterans.
This toolkit will help you to develop a SOAR referral process for your community or agency that helps ensure that potentially eligible individuals are connected with SOAR-trained providers who are available to assist.