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  • SSA and DDS Collaboration Tools

    A key component of the SOAR model is developing strong collaborations with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and Disability Determination Services (DDS). The SOAR TA Center has created a guide to help!

    Mar, 2018
  • Avoiding and Managing SSI/SSDI Overpayments

    SSI/SSDI overpayments may cause undue hardship for beneficiaries who are experiencing or at-risk for homelessness. This article provides tips for avoiding overpayments and steps to follow in the overpayment appeal/waiver process.

    Dec, 2017
  • ALJ Hearings: Prehearing and On the Record (OTR) Reviews

    Once the Request for Hearing has been processed at OHO, both the representative and applicant will receive a notice indicating the case has been successfully transferred to the court’s Master Docket, where cases are screened. At this stage, representatives can request a Prehearing Case Review or an On-the-Record (OTR) review to avoid the need for a hearing. If the OHO office is not able to grant these requests, the applicant retains the right to a hearing. A request for an expedited hearing due to dire need can also be submitted.

    Dec, 2016