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  • SOAR Funding Strategies

    SOAR programs can be funded through a variety of sources, including foundations, private donors, and businesses operating in your communities. 

    Oct, 2018
  • SOAR Marketing Strategies

    SOAR programs across the nation are looking for attention-getting ways to communicate with government officials, community providers, potential volunteers, and funders about the work SOAR is doing to help people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness access Social Security benefits. Most of these stakeholders will look online to find information about your program.

    Oct, 2018
  • Avoiding and Managing SSI/SSDI Overpayments

    SSI/SSDI overpayments may cause undue hardship for beneficiaries who are experiencing or at-risk for homelessness. This article provides tips for avoiding overpayments and steps to follow in the overpayment appeal/waiver process.

    Dec, 2017
  • ALJ Hearings: Prehearing and On the Record (OTR) Reviews

    Once the Request for Hearing has been processed at OHO, both the representative and applicant will receive a notice indicating the case has been successfully transferred to the court’s Master Docket, where cases are screened. At this stage, representatives can request a Prehearing Case Review or an On-the-Record (OTR) review to avoid the need for a hearing. If the OHO office is not able to grant these requests, the applicant retains the right to a hearing. A request for an expedited hearing due to dire need can also be submitted.

    Dec, 2016