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How do we find out why a client was previously denied?

You can obtain valuable insight into the reason an applicant was previously denied by reviewing the applicant’s electronic folder, or at minimum, obtaining the “Disability Determination Explanation” or denial notice. Most likely, you will have easy access to the denial notice from the applicant or, if you are the authorized representative, SSA should have mailed a copy to you. You can also request reason for denial by contacting your local SSA office. Learn more at Reviewing Denial Notices.

I have a client that has already applied for SSI, SSDI, and supplied his medical records to the SSA. Am I still able to help him with a MSR?

We recommend contacting the DDS examiner assigned to the case to find out where they are in the decision making process. If they have just been assigned the case and are starting to process it, then you have time to write and submit a Medical Summary Report. You could let the DDS examiner know that you have additional evidence to submit. If you do not have an SSA-1696 on file, the claimant will need to be with you when you call. 

How do I print my SOAR certificate?

When you log-in to the SOAR website, go to your Profile page.  There, you will see a link to access the Certificate of Completion that was e-mailed to you when you passed the course.

My client's SOAR case has been denied and I would like to ask for another representative to review the case. How do I ask for reconsideration and which forms do I use to request this?
The first level of appeal is the reconsideration. It is an opportunity to have the application reviewed by different staff at DDS and to add new or additional information.
I am having a hard time finding my Appointed Representative ID to complete the SSA-1696

Most SOAR specialists will not have a Rep ID because we do not charge applicants a fee for SOAR assistance, so that section can be left blank.

Is there a sample MSR for adults with a physical disability?

Many of our sample MSRs include information about physical disabilities in addition to mental impairments. Here is an example of one.

We also encourage you to review the Listings for the specific criteria SSA will be looking for, for each condition. You'll want to include information in your MSR about how the person's conditions meet the listing criteria. 

When creating a my Social Security account for an individual experiencing homelessness, how do I answer the question about whether they have an address in the U.S. or U.S. territories?

If the individual doesn’t have a residential address, you can answer “No.” You will be asked for some demographic information and then you can continue the account creation process.

Our "Creating a my Social Security Account for Applicants Flowchart" may also be helpful. That can be found on our SOAR Tools & Worksheets page.

Note that when you are assisting someone to apply for SSI/SSDI, you can use your agency address for their mailing address, but this shouldn’t be needed for the purposes of creating a my Social Security account.

A client has already met with SSA to begin an application. Can the application be switched to SOAR and then I can work with them?

Yes, the SOAR process can assist with an application that has already been started. It won't be "switched" to SOAR by SSA because SOAR is a model for submitting a complete and thorough SSI/SSDI application.

I would recommend submitting the SSA-1696: Appointment of Representative form to the local SSA field office where the claim was started. Then, you can assist by collecting and submitting medical records, writing and submitting a Medical Summary Report, and making sure all application forms are complete.

Since the applicant met with SSA, their application is already being processed - so the more information you can provide quickly to SSA and DDS, the better!

Can I submit a 3368 on line?

Yes! We actually suggest that you submit both the SSA-3368: Adult Disability Report and the SSA 16: Application for SSDI online as part of a complete SOAR-assisted SSI/SSDI application packet. You can use the paper forms as worksheets and then transfer to the Online Disability Benefit Application and Adult Disability Report

Once an individual gains SSI/SSDI benefits do they continue to gain benefits indefinitely? Or is there a redetermination?

Once a person receives benefits they will need to undergo periodic Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR). The frequency of a CDR will depend on the type and severity of the diagnosis.
