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My client had a phone interview with the local SSA office during which they did her application. Am I still able to submit her medical records and MSR to support her claim? Do I need to submit a 1696 to the local office?


My client had a phone interview with the local SSA office during which they did her application. Am I still able to submit her medical records and MSR to support her claim? Do I need to submit a 1696 to the local office?


  • Yes, you will need to submit the completed SSA-1696: Appointment of Representative form to the local SSA field office. I recommend faxing it and then calling within 1-2 days to confirm that it was received and added to your client's record/claim.

    Ask the SSA field office if they completed both an SSDI and SSI application during the phone interview and if they need anything else for the claim to be complete. You can also ask whether they would like you to submit the medical records and MSR directly to them or to wait until the claim gets moved over to DDS for medical review.

    I recommend staying in close contact with SSA to find out who the DDS analyst is, especially if you or your client don't receive any mail from DDS within a few weeks.