If a client I'm working with gets denied at the initial application, should I submit a revised medical summary report (MSR) with their reconsideration if I already submitted an MSR with the initial application?
If a client I'm working with gets denied at the initial application, should I submit a revised medical summary report (MSR) with their reconsideration if I already submitted an MSR with the initial application?
We recommend that you submit an amended MSR along with the Reconsideration appeal forms. This will give you an opportunity to address any updates to the applicant’s condition(s) or treatment. It is advisable to include an addendum with updated dates and signatures.
The DDS examiner will review the updated MSR along with the Disability Report-Appeal (SSA-3441) that you will complete as part of the iAppeal packet. Remember the SSA-3441 allows you to provide updated information for a complete appeal submission. SSA uses the SSA-3441 to update the disability information since the Disability Report (SSA-3368) was submitted at the initial level. You will have space to provide additional information about any changes in the applicant's conditions or limitations. Also, you can supply missing medical information and attach medical records or any additional evidence as part of the online iAppeal application, including an amended MSR.