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SOAR Webinar: SOAR Enhances Income Stability in AIAN Communities

On this webinar, held on April 28, 2022, representatives from both the systems and community level shared best practices for engaging Native individuals to complete SOAR-assisted applications and discussed strategies for gaining buy-in for SOAR from Native Communities in both urban and rural settings.

Date and Time:


Webinar Recording


There are 574 federally recognized Tribes in the United States; each are sovereign nations with their own history, cultures, and services. Just as each Tribe is unique, so is each SOAR application. Native individuals make up a disproportionate share of the people experiencing homelessness and many face unique challenges in accessing SSI/SSDI benefits.

The SOAR model’s culturally-sensitive engagement process and holistic approach to SSI/SSDI application assistance can be a critical support for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) community members whether residing on or off reservations. In this webinar, representatives from both the systems and community level will share best practices for engaging Native individuals to complete SOAR-assisted applications, and discuss strategies for gaining buy-in for SOAR from Native Communities in both urban and rural settings.

What you will learn:

  • Best practices for engaging and working with Native individuals to complete SOAR-assisted applications
  • The unique challenges and opportunities of working with Native applicants and within Native communities
  • Best practices for engaging with and gaining buy-in for SOAR from Native communities in both urban and rural settings


  • Abigail Kirkman, MA, Assistant Director, SAMHSA SOAR TA Center
  • Kim Vigue (Menominee/Oneida), MS, Managing Partner, Wolf River Consulting Group
  • Rose David (Ojibway, Chimnissing First Nation), Partner, Wolf River Consulting Group
  • Mylene Widner, (Apsáalooke Nation (Crow) and a descendant of Turtle Mountain Chippewa and Plains Cree of Canada) SOAR Case Worker and PATH Liaison, South Central Mental Health Center, Billings, Montana


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Slide Presentation 5.4 MB